Everyday life confronts us with new problems to be solved which force us to adjust our old programs accordingly.

My original title was

With my feet on the dash, the world doesn’t matter.

But after writing I realized it didn’t feel appropriate. I guess I could have kept it as kind of a paradoxical statement to contrast with the ridiculous amount of whining in the blog. It is too early for that.

I don’t have the slightest clue as to why I have decided to blog at 3:18 am on a Sunday night/ Monday morning. I do know that I have to be up and at ’em in about 2.5 hours. I also know that I have no idea when I will be able to breathe again.


7 am- 2 pm: work

2 pm- 5 pm: rake leaves/Christmas lights (if weather permits) any extra time goes to the library.

5:30 pm- 8:30 pm: class

9-10 pm: TV date with the husband (if a new House ep. is on)

10pm- till I can no longer keep my eyes open: homework and math exit exam studying

Tuesday is pretty much the same except there is another class, more homework, and no TV date. Wednesday I must figure out how to make up a drill date and format my groups project at the same time. I also have to produce a rough draft of a 3-5 page summary for the group project, post it, and edit after reviewing any feed back. Thursday involves work and then heading to my math class to see if I pass the exit exam. If I pass (which I better) then I can just leave. If I don’t, I have to stay and review. If I can leave I will probably stop by the library if I have any last minute touches to add to the group project. Then I am heading to Tampa to see Maya and her family. WHY did I decide to take this trip right before finals week? Because if I don’t do it now, I never will be able to. Probably. We live in the same state and I haven’t seen her since MAY! So I have to get as much done as possible before Thursday. I want to leave by 4 pm to avoid as much traffic as possible.

Somewhere in this mess I need to pick up a power strip, new ink cartridges for the printer, a portfolio type thing for the group project (God only knows why I volunteered to do the final edit/format for THAT mess.) and a Christmas tree. Oh some laundry also might want to get done if I want clean underwear and I think the dishes might need to be done before a permanent crust forms on them. Though that might be easier. We can just throw them away and buy new, clean ones. I also need to call and schedule a court date to dispute the wreckless driving citation I received. It was based upon a witnesses statement that has been thrown out. Why do they call it wreckless? There was a wreck. I had to buy a new car because of it. I am sure that they will want to schedule the court date for the most inconvenient time and day, as well. Oh, and we need to do Christmas cards. And I should be receiving a phone call or a letter about physical therapy for my shoulder. That should be fun trying to squeeze that in. I also should get a call about an xray appointment for my ribs. Which is kind of pointless because even if they ARE broken guess what they can do about it? Oh yeah, nothing except go, “Yep! They’re broken! Have a nice day.”

I just have so much to do, thank God that work is not the most stressful thing in my life right now. Well, I don’t know if I should thank God for that. Work is always stressful for me. So if it isn’t the MOST stressful part of my life, that just means all of the other components are even more stressing than the one that is consistently the most stressful. STRESS! Constraining force or influence. I wouldn’t say that it is constraining in any way other than time. I have quite a bit of freedom with my stresses. Which, coincidentally, is the most stressing thing of all. If I am able to focus all of my energy and creativity into one project and/or major decision, I am fine. But I have way too many decisions that I must make! Too much stuff to produce! I need less stuff! Christmas presents! GOD! THERE IS SO MUCH STUFF! Here is some good stuff. Oh, by the way. I really, honestly, truly love my life. I don’t think I could handle this crap without the support of my my husband (who will so help me with most of this STUFF that isn’t school related) and the ear and shoulder of Tana. We don’t ask how our days went. We just tell each other. I am so incredibly grateful to have someone to vent to without being judged or “I told you so”-ed. So, back to the good stuff.

This is from a song. A song that a horribly horrible person introduced me to. Well, he couldn’t be so incredibly horrible since he had great taste in music. His one redeeming quality. Almost makes the world of hurt he put me through seem worth it. This is the song. I love the song. It reminds me of when I broke down and retreated to Goza’s futon in LA. I did so much laundry there.

I made this for Thanksgiving and I want to make it again and again and again. I’ll try not to burn the side of it next time (it was still so good despite the black crispy part) and make sure I put a cookie sheet under the pie pan next time so that I don’t end up with black smoke and burned sugar in my over. Still, it was such a good pie. Click on the pie for the recipe.

It is 4 am. Goodnight.

December 7, 2009. Tags: , , , . Uncategorized.

One Comment

  1. Tana replied:

    🙂 love ya too- and aren’t you glad I introduced you to noblepig?

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